Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day

We had a fantastic weekend in Clinton celebrating Father's Day.  We started off the weekend with a hanger party celebrating Jeff on his pilot's license.  Avery was completely enamored by the airplanes.  She's seen Papa fly above the house before, but I'm not sure she really understood that it was him in the airplane way up in the air.  I think this clarified things for her a little bit.  Chris and Beth were even generous enough to let her climb into their plane...she loves pretending to fly like Papa!

Saturday provided Avery with an opportunity to practice her swimming skills.  I'm so glad that she's taking to the water so well and that she likes it so much.

She has made so much progress.  We started swimming lessons with her afraid to put her face in the water, but as you can see, she has moved past that.  She loves to swim under the water.  She has a little trouble staying afloat, but I guess that will come with time and practice.

Jumping in is her favorite part...she tells you how far back to scoot (way farther than she can swim) and then goes.

The water was a little cold, as evidenced by the blue lips, but that didn't stop her.  I had to make her come out for a little while to warm up.

She then took a little "rest" in the sun to combat the blue lips!

Happy Father's Day's a picture of Avery of course!  What more could a person want?!!

After some time with Nana and Papa, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for more celebrating.  We got there shortly before Avery's nap time, so she was tired and easily convinced by Great Grandpa to cuddle with him (with some milk and Blankie of course).

 More presents...and again, pictures of Avery!  Can you pick up on the theme?  We're a little Avery-centric around here!

A Father's Day picture of four generations of Cover kids!

One last Father's Day present for's a BOY!  We will be welcoming a baby boy into our family in October and couldn't be happier.  I have suspected so for quite some time now because of how different this pregnancy has been from Avery's.  I have been sick from day 1 and more exhausted than I have ever felt in my life!  At first we were going to let it be a surprise, but we decided that we weren't sure.  So we had the ultrasound technician write it down in a card.  However, I was able to discern the sex while watching the ultrasound, so Jeremy wanted to know too...we didn't even make it out of the doctor's office before confirming what I had thought all along...we're having a boy!  

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