Sunday, October 23, 2011


This was out first venture with pumpkin carving.  Since Avery's not quite old enough to draw shapes or understand the concept of drawing and cutting out a face, we decided to go with something a little more recognizable to her.  She liked the idea of doing the same thing that Jeremy and I were doing, but she was not into the "guts" of the pumpkin.  I had her tough it, and she promptly replied, "GROSS!"

She decided to do a little "carving" of her own by simply poking tiny holes in the pumpkins.

So, while Avery poked holes, I traced and cut out the faces.  Jeremy and Avery eventually got tired of waiting on me to get them done, and went out for dessert while I finished up.  They came back to find two completed pumpkins...

Mickey and Minnie!

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