Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Successful Trip to the Lake

After our tragic trip to the Lake over Memorial weekend, we made a second attempt at a typical Lake weekend.  Luckily it was a successful trip.  Jeremy, Avery and I went down on Wednesday evening to extend the fun.  It gave us a chance to get settled in before Jackie and Jason joined us on Friday.  This is a picture of Avery in her "bed", the nest, on Wednesday night.  Sometimes we have a little trouble finding a good place for her to sleep when we're away from home (probably more my problem than hers), but this thing worked perfectly.  We just laid the little papasan chair flat and the curved sides made it impossible for her to roll worked great!

Avery left Grandpa Vance and G.G. little messages on the shed with her sidewalk chalk.

Thank you to Cassi for buying the largest floatie known to man and letting us use it.  I know what you're thinking...she said floatie, yet I don't see any water.  Yes, that's correct, we used the floatie on the land.  Avery was convinced that it was a trampoline (aka. "a jumping bean") and argued with us when we tried to tell her that it actually floats in the water.  So, we left it on the grass the entire time and just enjoyed Avery jumping on it.

 I spent a lot of the space on my camera trying to capture that iconic "action shot" of Avery jumping in the air on her jumping bean.  I'm not sure that I got exactly what I was looking for, but I got a couple of cool shots I think.

We also took a couple of boat rides.  Those of you that have spent any time with me around the water know that I'm totally freaked out by water and especially boats.  With that said, I work very hard to not make my issues be Avery's issues as well.  So, it was important to me that we have the chance to go out on the boat on a weekend that wasn't really busy and just have a nice leisurely ride.  This gave us a chance to get Avery used to boats and the water and gave me the chance to allow her this opportunity without losing my mind.  In the end, it worked out well...we had a nice easy ride at a pace dictated by Avery and were done when Avery wanted to be done.

Avery really enjoyed the boat ride, and I love watching her experience new things (even if those things terrify me).

Jackie and Jason joined us for some fun time on the "jumping bean."  I sure hope that they are able to enjoy these times we spend together even though they seem to mostly be mundane activities.  We love spending time with them and really appreciate the fact that the time can be low key.

It looks like they are in deep conversation about the bubbles that Avery is blowing.  Avery really loves Jackie (and Jason too) and we appreciate how much they care for her as well.

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