Saturday, April 23, 2011

Coloring Easter Eggs

While this was not Avery's first Easter, it was the first year that we colored eggs with her.  We weren't sure how it would go, but, as usual, Avery did a fantastic job and made it so fun.  I just love creating new family traditions with her and for her.  Jeremy and I each take pieces from our own childhood traditions and make an entire new set of traditions for our own family that typically is some sort of a combination of the two.  I know that I've been an adult for some time now, but it's these times that really make me feel like a "grown-up."  I feel as though I'm actually living life the way I dreamed about as a child.  I know that is so cliche, but it's also so true!

Avery really enjoyed picking the colors that she wanted to use, and we enjoy having a chance to make learning (about colors at this particular time) a fun and enjoyable thing.

Avery showing off her favorite egg, a blue one because she seems to be very fond of that color.

We had stickers to put on the eggs once they were colored, but that required the eggs to be dry, not something Avery was very keen on waiting for.  So, we used my blow dryer to speed up the process a little bit, getting us to the best part a little faster.

Putting the eggs in an egg carton to put on stickers.

It's hard to choose which stickers go on which eggs.  I think Avery spent more time making her sticker choices than she did actually putting the stickers on.  

Showing off her creations!

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