Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great weekend with lots of firsts happening this weekend. Avery really enjoyed playing with Grandpa and Grandma Cover for a couple of days. She is really becoming interactive. The fuzzy pillow was quite a hit! Avery enjoyed spending a little time with Grandpa for one of the first times. It wasn't her first time spending time with him, but it was the first time that she really enjoyed it for an extended period of time. I'm not sure if she is getting used to him or he is getting used to her (being quiet, soft, and gentle--things that the Cover men aren't really known for). Either way, it was really great to see the two of them really having a good time together.

One of Avery's firsts that we really mastered this weekend is sitting up alone. She is doing a good job of balancing herself. She also really enjoys being able to sit up alone. It gives her a whole new perspective. She really likes being in the sitting position.

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