Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So Cute!

Today was such a nice day outside that Avery and I decided to play outside while Jeremy was working in Camdenton. There was a decent breeze blowing, so Avery needed a hat. We just think that she is so cute in this one. Once Jeremy got home, Avery was so excited to see him! We took several pictures of the two of them. Here she is looking cute in her little hat and with her dad.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My First Spoon

I made Rice Crispy treats this morning and then let Avery lick the spoon (Jeremy was in the shower or else we might have had a fight on our hands). She licked the left-overs like crazy and really enjoyed the little bit of sweetness left on the spoon. Yes, the Rice Crispies are green, and yes green makes then look like something out of Avery's diaper (we won't do green again). She really loved it anyway!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Will Avery be a Dentist?

Avery's new favorite toy is a toothbrush. She really loves to chew on the bristles. Luckily for her, the one she has grown attached to is not one that has been used. It does, however, play a nice Beach Boys tune while you brush--Thanks Grandpa!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big Girl Bath

Today Avery took her first bath in the big bath tub--she loved it! She does a really good job sitting up in the tub. Every now and then she gets a little excited and gets somewhat tipsy. She has so many rubber duckies that she loves to chew on in the tub.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The End of an Era

Today is Avery's last bath in her little infant tub on the kitchen counter. For quite a while now, she has been absolutely drenching our kitchen every time that we give her a bath. Our choices were to quit bathing her or to move her to the regular bath tub in the bathroom--we chose the latter of the two. She has so much fun taking a bath so I'm just sure that she will have an even better time in the big bath tub.

This is a clip of her splashing all over. Push play to watch it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We had a great weekend with lots of firsts happening this weekend. Avery really enjoyed playing with Grandpa and Grandma Cover for a couple of days. She is really becoming interactive. The fuzzy pillow was quite a hit! Avery enjoyed spending a little time with Grandpa for one of the first times. It wasn't her first time spending time with him, but it was the first time that she really enjoyed it for an extended period of time. I'm not sure if she is getting used to him or he is getting used to her (being quiet, soft, and gentle--things that the Cover men aren't really known for). Either way, it was really great to see the two of them really having a good time together.

One of Avery's firsts that we really mastered this weekend is sitting up alone. She is doing a good job of balancing herself. She also really enjoys being able to sit up alone. It gives her a whole new perspective. She really likes being in the sitting position.

More firsts...Avery's first boat ride. While at the lake for Labor Day, we took a boat ride to dinner. Avery is now big enough to fit into the tiny little life jacket. It was such a nice day, and the water was smooth. Avery technically fit into the life jacket, but she isn't really tall enough so that it didn't ride up on her. She didn't seem to mind too much though--it gave her something to chew on.

At dinner there was a little fountain for kids. Grandpa and Avery loved playing in it. By next summer, she and Skyler will be having all sorts of fun in this fountain--we can't wait.

Another first for Avery--sitting in a high chair at dinner. Since she is able to sit up on her own, the high chairs are coming in handy at dinner time. She has a great time dropping her toys and seeing how many times we'll pick them up for her--it's a lot!

Avery got to meet some more of her family this weekend as well. She met her cousins, Chloe and Sophia. She has been looking forward to meeting them for quite a while. She had a really great time playing with them. Sophia even gave Avery one of her toys to take home as a souvenir.

While at the lake, Avery fell in love with a little pig toy. Grandpa and Grandma bought some new toys for their lake house. Avery and Skyler are getting old enough now that they need some entertainment. There were lots of toys that she liked, but Avery fell in love with this little pig toy. When you push the nose, the whole pig starts to vibrate. Avery's favorite thing to do is put the nose of the pig in her mouth and bite on it while it's vibrating. It's so funny because her cheeks and ears vibrate as she's biting on it. If you look close at the video you can see her ears and cheeks vibrating.

Push play to watch the video clip.