Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Busy Week

We have had a very busy week around here, especially Avery. We took our first trip to the park earlier this week since the weather has been so nice. We had a really good time. Avery played on the swings, slide, and teeter-totter; she seemed to enjoy the teeter-totter the most. Unfortunately we forgot our camera at home so we don't have any pictures from that trip. We'll just have to take extras next time we go. Avery also put herself to sleep last night for the first time. I usually have to rock her to sleep, but we have been aiming for putting herself to sleep for a little while now. Last night was the first night that we tried laying her down in her crib while she was still awake, and much to our amazement, she went right to sleep and didn't wake up until her normal feeding time at 4am. I guess we'll see if she keeps it up--it may very well have been a one time deal. In addition to all of this, Avery has started to imitate raspberries (or strawberries as her dad likes to call them). It has been so fun to watch her try to imitate us. She mostly just sticks out her tongue and makes noise, but occasionally she is able to make an actual raspberry--it's so cute (except when she has a mouth full of cereal)! The clip below shows her kind of doing it--it's so hard to catch these things on camera.

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