Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Toy

Avery got a new toy in the mail from Nana. She really loves it. It is kind of a three-dimensional globe. The trees, houses, and car are all sticking out of the toy, so she has a really great time chewing on them.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Avery Rolled Over!!

Jeremy has been so anxious for this day--Avery finally rolled over! Of course, we have had both the regular camera and the video camera poised and ready for weeks, but not this morning. We've been putting her on her stomach more and more despite her absolute hatred for being in that position. It turns out that it's paid off--she rolled from her stomach to her back early this morning. Jeremy was in the kitchen at the time, so he missed it though. We put her back on her play mat again this afternoon to see if Jeremy could see her in action, but he missed it again. She did roll over again, but this time Jeremy just wasn't watching. We tried for a third roll of the day, but she wasn't having anymore of that--she was done being on her stomach. So, Jeremy, who was the one that was so anxious for her to roll over, has yet to actually witness it. We didn't capture either actual roll on camera, but I got a couple of "after" shots. Here they are.


Avery has really started to giggle out loud and on purpose in reaction to us--it is so much fun! Check it out!

A Busy Week

We have had a very busy week around here, especially Avery. We took our first trip to the park earlier this week since the weather has been so nice. We had a really good time. Avery played on the swings, slide, and teeter-totter; she seemed to enjoy the teeter-totter the most. Unfortunately we forgot our camera at home so we don't have any pictures from that trip. We'll just have to take extras next time we go. Avery also put herself to sleep last night for the first time. I usually have to rock her to sleep, but we have been aiming for putting herself to sleep for a little while now. Last night was the first night that we tried laying her down in her crib while she was still awake, and much to our amazement, she went right to sleep and didn't wake up until her normal feeding time at 4am. I guess we'll see if she keeps it up--it may very well have been a one time deal. In addition to all of this, Avery has started to imitate raspberries (or strawberries as her dad likes to call them). It has been so fun to watch her try to imitate us. She mostly just sticks out her tongue and makes noise, but occasionally she is able to make an actual raspberry--it's so cute (except when she has a mouth full of cereal)! The clip below shows her kind of doing it--it's so hard to catch these things on camera.

More Please!!

Avery is becoming quite the eater. She has graduated beyond simply rice cereal to oatmeal as well. We have found that the oatmeal is much more of a hit than the rice cereal. She gobbles down the oatmeal. We met with our Parents as Teachers advisor at the beginning of the week, and she said that Avery should be getting about 2 tablespoons of cereal at a sitting. Avery, however, would not take that. She is eating at least 4 or 5 tablespoons at a time.

This is a little clip of Avery eating her oatmeal. She is really starting to get the hang of it; she opens her mouth in anticipation of the spoon and is starting to let you know that she wants more by banging her hands on her high chair. Push the play button to watch the video.

Monday, August 17, 2009

First Time in a Hotel

This weekend at Nic's wedding was Avery's first stay in a hotel. She seemed to enjoy it, especially the cozy pillows on the beds.

Making herself right at home!

Uncle Nic is Married??!

This weekend was Uncle Nic's wedding. We had a really great time, and Avery looked absolutely adorable. My favorite part of her outfit was her little shoes--so cute! The cutest baby in the world and the best man--quite a pair!

This is one of those rare family shots. It seems that no matter what, we get plenty of pictures of Avery but the shots of us as a family seem to be few and far between. She is so cute! She didn't make it 5 minutes before that dress was in her mouth!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jumper Fun!

We got a jumper for Avery at our shower, and she's really getting into it. She just loves to jump and play with all of the toys hanging from it. Jeremy has spent a lot of time getting the toys arranged just perfectly around the edge of the jumper so that she can get optimal enjoyment out of it. We have already had to move it up two notches for the height because she is growing so much, but just loves to be in it. It also helps us out a lot to be able to get things done around the house while she is playing in it. Thanks so much to Cody, Tasha, and Skyler for giving us the jumper. Press the play button to watch this cute video that also shows off her giggling.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Newest and Favorite Toy

It seems that no matter how many different toys we give Avery with flashing lights and sounds, she wants her toes. They are a recent discovery of hers, and she just can't get enough of them. At times it's hard for her to get them to her mouth because of her big belly. Right after a meal seems to be the worst time!

Double fistin' it!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Massage Jammies

These little pjs are the first thing that Avery's daddy bought for her before she was born. Obviously they were a little big before, but they fit her now. They have little spots labeled on them to show you where to massage the baby in order to promote different things--like a spot for respiratory health, one for relaxation, etc. They are really neat, and she just looks so adorable in them.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Birthday Party

Today was my grandfather's 80th birthday. We had a party for him in Clinton with mostly just family members there. That, however, is still quite a few people! We had a really good time despite the 100 degree temperatures. The picture above is Avery with her great grandmother, and she is with her aunt and cousin below. Unfortunately, the batteries on our camera died before we could get any pictures of her with my grandfather (or anyone else for that matter).