Saturday, October 23, 2010

Homecoming Parade

For many reasons, this was the first year for anyone in our family to actually attend the Homecoming parade (except for 2 years ago when Jeremy and I were in it), but we decided to go this year.  Chelsea and Jackie went with us, and we had so much fun.  Avery really enjoyed watching everything in the parade, especially the mules (which she thought were horses).

 All the girls!

Thank you Mr. Police Officer for standing directly in front of my little girl!  You could not have chosen a smaller child to plant yourself in front of...perhaps next time you could block the view of one of the hundreds of intoxicated adults.

 Trying to see the mules/horses as they disappear around the corner...she loved those things!

Monday, October 18, 2010

More Pumpkins...

This weekend we went to another pumpkin festival and had such a great time.  A special thank you to Nana for making the trip all the way to Columbia to have some fall fun!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This week brings with it the unfortunate closure of the YouZeum here in Columbia.  We're sad to see it go, especially since such a landmark event for our family took place there.  We had so much fun at Avery's birthday party and were grateful to have a place for all ages of people to enjoy.  

To pay homage to the place that our daughter had her first birthday party, Avery and I decided to take one last trip through the YouZeum on Friday.  We had a great time and are sad that Avery will miss all the future learning opportunities at such a great place!

Rest in Peace, Old Friend

I'm sad to report the passing of one of Avery's most beloved friends.  We lost PaaPaa (paci) late last week in Avery's transition into toddler-hood.  PaaPaa and Avery shared so many memories together, and while the loss was sudden, Avery is taking it very well.  Over the past 18 months, PaaPaa has become like a member of the family with Avery growing closer to him each day.  Their relationship began as a casual friendship.  They were together from the beginning...sleeping together, together right after meals, even bathing together.

As Avery grew, so did her relationship with PaaPaa.  They got closer and closer, and when Avery became mobile, this afforded her the ability to find PaaPaa anywhere he was hiding.  Sometimes, however a relationship, while enjoyable, can become detrimental to one or both parties.  I'm sad to report that this was the case with Avery and PaaPaa.  So, while we're sad to report his passing, we look forward to the growth that will come.  

Remembering PaaPaa...

Some of their best times together were spent playing.

Avery and PaaPaa on their last day together...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival

 This weekend, we made a trip to the quaint little town of Hartsburg for their annual Pumpkin Festival.  It turns out that we weren't the only ones to make this trip, actually about 30,000 other people were there on Sunday as well (along with another 30,000 on Saturday).  Who knew that we'd been missing something so popular all these years.  There were so many things to see and do, and Avery had a great time.  She and Jeremy made a little wooden car with some woodworkers...CUTE!

Avery also got a chance to pick her very own pumpkin (or ball as she likes to call it).    

We had a hard time finding a small one that she could pick up, but we eventually found just the right one.

Once we did find one that Avery could pick up, she decided to throw it.  She has a slight obsession with balls...she thinks anything round is a ball that needs to be thrown in order to be chased down by one of her parents.  While I enjoy burning off the calories (kettle corn in this particular case), occasionally this game becomes slightly redundant.  All in all, we had a great time.  Sign us up for another pumpkin festival!