Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Friends

Last weekend was Great Grandpa and GG's 30th anniversary party.  We had a great time seeing many of Jeremy's relatives that we don't get a chance to visit very often.  The party was great, so many people and great food, which is alway a plus for the Covers.  Avery was quite a hit with little Audrey.  I didn't get any pictures of their faces for some reason, but I did get this cute one of the two of them strolling off...SO CUTE!

After the party was over, we went back to Vance and Deana's for a while.  Avery made some more friends there as well.  Stanley knew the way to her heart...playing "This Little Piggy" with her toes.  The two of them had a great time with that, and I think she loves all the attention she gets, who wouldn't !  I know there were so many other people there and lots of moments to be captured, but, as happens sometimes, I only got a few pictures.  So, I'm particularly sorry for not getting any pictures of the honorees of this day or any of the other family members.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Animal Sounds

I know that it has been a while since I promised to get some video of Avery actually talking, but it takes several tries to get something specific on video at this point.  Avery seems to think that she needs the camera anytime we have it.  If that isn't the problem, then she gets distracted by something and moves on before we have gotten what we want, something you'll get to see here.  So, here is a video Avery making her animal sounds.  She says several others, but she got distracted before I could ask her.  I'll keep trying to show off more of her talents because they're so cute when she actually does it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our Favorite Things To Do

One of Avery's favorite things to do right now is help me cook. We try to cook a few things each day, giving her a chance to help with all of them.  In order for her to help, I have to put her on the counter.  One day, after we'd gotten done making pumpkin bread, she decided to take in a little movie on the picture frame.  On the counter next to where we had been cooking, is the digital picture frame that, shockingly, has pictures of Avery on it.  She loves to look at the "baby" and name all the people who are holding her.  Actually, she only seems to point out her Dada (sorry for the rest of you who were hoping to be included...don't worry, I'm not either).

Playing outside is probably Avery's very favorite activity.  It doesn't matter what we're doing, she just loves to be outside.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Her Future's So Bright...

...OK, well maybe it was the sun, but it's still cute! Yes, we are inside, but there is some major sun in Nana and Papa's living room in the mornings.  It gives us an excuse to put sunglasses on and take pictures though.

Say "Cheese!"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

All Smiles

Avery went through a phase, as I'm sure most babies do, where she wasn't exactly "happy with anyone."  There were definitely those people that she was around often enough to be content with them just as she was with Jeremy or me.  However, this wasn't the case for everyone.  On that list included Great Grandma Mary Beth.  Avery was only around her a few times during the first year of her life, but that has changed and now Avery loves her. During a recent visit, Avery couldn't have been happier to be with her...laughing, smiling, and playing with her.  Jeremy and I couldn't have been more excited!

I can see some similarities!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My BIG Girl

My little girl isn't so little any more.  I know what you're all thinking...she never was that little.  Well, despite her size relative to others her age, she was little to me (once).  At night while she's sleeping or during her naps, I sneak into her room to just watch her sleep (and to satisfy my neuroses and make sure that she's still breathing).  The last few days when I've gone in there, I've just been amazed at how big she is.  So, I decided to take a stab at a sleeping picture and managed to pull off two of them on different nights.  You can see that she has little room to move around in her bed...crazy!

Just for comparison, here's Avery at about 5 weeks old.  She still had the bumper in her bed, but she could still fit perpendicular.  Big difference now!

Here's another cute one of her recently.  She was just in such a weird position.  I'm afraid we may be on the verge of needing a bigger bed...*tear.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We went to the lake again this weekend.  It's so amazing how much Avery has changed in just the few short months since we were last at the lake...she's so much more comfortable, not just here but everywhere.  

She definitely liked the boat ride more this time around.

We also visited the baby pool and the spray park again.