Friday, June 25, 2010

Another First...

I'm so proud of most of Avery's firsts...first time she rolled over, first word, first step.  However, there are also some firsts that I'm not so proud of, including this one.  I'm afraid that Avery has experienced her first scrape.  Most kids get a scrape on their knee, their elbow, or even their hand, but not Avery.  She managed to get her first scrape on her head of all places.  I felt so badly for her...scrapes are kind of like paper cuts, the amount of pain for the actual injury is disproportionate.  I'm happy to report that she is recovering well from her injury though. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spray Parks

After the huge success of the spray park at the lake on Memorial weekend, we decided to give the ones in Columbia a try.  It was no surprise that Avery had a blast.  She has gotten really good about her sunscreen, hat, and glasses routine that we have to go through in order for her to play outside.

It's so much fun to just watch her play.  She has a blast in the water.

Friday, June 11, 2010

We All Scream for Ice Cream

We gave Avery her first ice cream cone, and she loved it.  Unfortunately for us (but fortunately for her), we only had chocolate ice cream.  Who likes vanilla anyway?  She made quite a mess, as you can tell.  At one point, she turned the cone upside down and used it as a "crayon" to draw on her high chair tray, so funny!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Little Gym

Avery and I have been taking a class at the Little Gym once a week.  It's a parent-child class with 5 or 6 little kids around Avery's age.  It is amazing the things that they can get these little babies to do...flips, balance beams, bars (all with spotting of course).  It has been so good for Avery to have the interaction with other kids and fun for me too.  We had our last class of the semester, and other people were invited to see how much the kids had accomplished in the class.  Jeremy was able to come for the morning so Avery could show off.  There are several cute pictures from the morning...take a look.