Monday, May 31, 2010

Avery's New Swing Set

Avery's Nana and Papa got her a swing set for Christmas.  It has taken us a while, but we've finally got it all put together and ready to break in.  Jeremy and I spent nap time and evenings for about two weeks putting it together.  Then Nana and Papa came up to help us put on the finishing touches and test it out.  Avery absolutely loves it...she is so adventurous, swinging, sliding, and climbing like crazy.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Weekend

This was Avery's first trip to the lake for the summer, and we had such a fun time.  Jeremy and I found a really cute life jacket for Avery that provided the much needed safety as well as fashion.  Here she is just taking in the scenery in a little pint-sized chair. Isn't she cute?

We took a boat ride over to the Club House for Avery to play in the water fountains and pool.  She didn't really notice the boat at all last summer, other than the fact that she had to wear that big, uncomfortable life jacket.  This time, however, she took notice.  The problem is that on such a busy weekend, the water is so rough.  I'm sure that my apprehension didn't help her out at all.  In fact, shortly after this picture was taken, she wanted to go sit with Jeremy...he likes boats just a little bit more than I do.

The much anticipated water fountains were quite a hit.  Avery and Grandpa both had such a great time playing in the water, so much so that we actually missed nap time (a rare occurrence for Avery). 

Avery was so exhausted on the way back to the house that she fell asleep with her hand in the "cookie jar" (OK, it was a bag of Goldfish, but you get the idea).

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Staying Cool

Considering all of the heat these days, we've been trying new ways to keep cool.  Swimming pools are nice, but aren't really something we can go to every day, so Avery and I have come up with a solution of our own...the hose.  Check out this cute video of her playing in the hose in the yard.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Funnel Cake and Cotton Candy

OK, so there technically wasn't funnel cake or cotton candy, but it was still a great carnival.  Parents As Teachers put on a little carnival for all of their participants.  There were several different activities for all ages.  Avery really had a good time.  The incessant rain forced the carnival to be held on a high school practice field, which was AstroTurf.  While some might have thought that was not a good thing, Avery was thrilled to try it out. 

The obstacle course was one of Avery's favorites.  She went across the balance beam (above), through the tunnel (below), and around some cones.

Surf's up!!

The track was also a big hit! 

Monday, May 10, 2010

Our Second Mother's Day

We spent Mother's Day weekend in Kansas City with our great friends...Travis, Melissa, Ashton, and new baby Olivia.  We had such a great time.  The weekend was packed full of fun, new things for Avery to experience.  She had her first trip to the zoo on Saturday.  She had such a great time.  We were a little apprehensive about being out all day long (meaning no nap for the baby), but she was a champ!  A special thank you to Great Grandma Mary Beth for the wagon.  Avery just loves being in that thing...the canopy keeps her shaded and the second seat is easily turned into a little dining tray for Avery to eat off.  We all know how important snacks are to her (just another trait she gets from her dad). 

Avery really liked all of the monkey exhibits.  I'm not exactly sure which species of primate she's looking at here, but we told her they were all monkeys.  I think she liked them so much because she could see them easily and they made faces at us.

In addition to the Rickford family joining us at the zoo, Avery's Uncle Nic, Aunt Brooke, soon to be cousin Jack, and Nana also came along for the fun!

Just when I thought I had Avery convinced that her chubby face is so cute and that she'll grow out of it before she gets much older, I find a picture like this...maybe that round little face is here for good, thanks to the Cover genes!!

After such an active day, Avery barely made it to her car seat before she fell asleep.  She was exhausted!

After all the fun on Saturday, we went to have brunch at Powell Gardens.  Happy Mother's Day to all!