Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almost Walking

Avery received a couple of toys for Christmas to help her walk, and she is really getting the hang of them. She thinks that it's so much fun to walk behind them, just laughing the entire time. She has some trouble steering them, but she has the general idea. Here's a video of her walking around behind one of the toys. She is going to be walking before long!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Valentine's Gift

Just a quick snapshot of Avery with her first Valentine's Day present.  Thanks to Great Grandpa and G.G.  They always seem to be on top of the holidays. 

Avery sleeping later that night.  Sometimes she just looks so relaxed...almost like she is floating on a raft at the lake.  It's so amazing how I can take a picture (with bright flash) in her black room at night and not wake her up.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Little Bit OCD or Just Tidy??

Avery has recently started lining her toys up obsessively.  She does it in the bath tub and on the window sills as well.  If you move the toys from her line up, she gets really upset.  Here are all of her toys lined up on the edge of the bath tub.  At the same time, in the living room, she had toys all lined up on the window sill.  So funny!!  Hopefully this translates into a tidy little girl later in life...we'll see.